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by daxiong
2023年 Sep 21日 17:01
Forum: iOS & Android Development
Topic: When the APP uses UID to register and log in, how do you get the UID and passwd?
Replies: 0
Views: 5171

When the APP uses UID to register and log in, how do you get the UID and passwd?

Encountered questions when developing using Smart Life SDK Can I use our platform’s account name and password as UID and passwd to register directly? If it is 1, will using the same UID with other manufacturers' apps cause conflicts? Can the passwd of the UID login method be modified? Are accounts o...
by daxiong
2023年 Sep 21日 16:58
Forum: iOS & Android Development
Topic: Reminder about iOS 16 affecting App Quick Connection Network Configuration (EZ Network Configuration)
Replies: 1
Views: 1691

Reminder about iOS 16 affecting App Quick Connection Network Configuration (EZ Network Configuration)

The following information comes from the official website announcement Apple will release the official version of iOS 16 soon. Due to iOS 16 compatibility issues, your App users (users who have upgraded to iOS 16) may not be able to perform quic...
by daxiong
2023年 Sep 21日 16:53
Forum: iOS & Android Development
Topic: Description and solution of the problem that the Tuya APP map UI business package causes the APP to crash when positioni
Replies: 0
Views: 2083

Description and solution of the problem that the Tuya APP map UI business package causes the APP to crash when positioni

Problem background: After the release of the Android14 beta version, Google officially updated the restrictions on non-SDK interfaces, including reflection restrictions on multiple existing historical methods and new methods of the Location class of the positioning function, such as: New method: get...
by daxiong
2023年 Aug 18日 17:23
Forum: App开发
Topic: 关于 涂鸦 APP 地图 UI 业务包在Android14手机上执行定位导致APP崩溃的问题说明和解决方案
Replies: 1
Views: 2518

关于 涂鸦 APP 地图 UI 业务包在Android14手机上执行定位导致APP崩溃的问题说明和解决方案

问题背景: Android14 beta 版本发布之后,谷歌官方针对非 SDK 接口的限制做了更新,其中对定位功能的 Location 类的多个既有历史方法和新增方法做了反射限制,比如: 1.新增方法:getMslAltitudeAccuracyMeters() 2.历史方法:getLongitude() 诸如此类方法还非常多,详情可参考: 下载对应csv文件,可查询限制类名:Landroid/location/Location 但是这个类在An...
by daxiong
2023年 Jul 9日 16:46
Forum: App开发
Topic: 为什么当前涂鸦公版APP的蓝牙配网在Android12及以上系统版本还在申请定位权限?
Replies: 1
Views: 635


原因是: 蓝牙设备有包含普通BLE设备和BLE Beacon设备(涂鸦内部叫ibeacon设备),而如果你想在Android12及以上手机上蓝牙搜索不申请定位权限,则必须在manifest清单文件中设置usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" 的标识,这个是打包配置到APP安装包中的,不支持APP运行期动态插入,当你设置完这个flag后,在不申请location权限的情况下,所有普通BLE设备可以被蓝牙扫描发现,但是 BLE Beacon设备广播会被系统过滤掉,即我们无法在通过接收BLE Beacon广播执行相应的业务功能,比如防丢、防狼...