涂鸦无线模组 集成应用建议 Layout Guide for Antenna/Module


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另外上述这种放置方式,由于模组另一边缺GND,会影响天线性能,解决方法是借用外壳、底板或其他结构上的金属作为GND,来提高天线性能。借用GND这个方法,使用时需要评估,调试天线S11 <-5dB 时,模块性能基本正常。



1)模块,特别是天线区域,远离喇叭、电池、电源开关、Camera、LCD、网口、HDMI、USB 或其他高速信号传输口30mm以上,避免干扰。

2) 初始设计完成后,每次改版,特别是天线附近发生较大改动的,建议重新评估天线的性能。
3) 建议产品设计完成后,对整机天线性能根据产品定义进行测试,确认天线性能是否符合整机要求。例如联系天线暗室,进行TRP、TIS等整机辐射测试


1. Overview:
Tuya RF modules are used in various terminal products. The modules needs to be assembled reasonably to ensure the clearance area around the antenna so that the wireless performance can be fully exerted. Taking the bulb lamp as an example, there are usually two assembly methods to solder module to the lamp driving board:
A. SMT welding.
B. Solder to lamp driving board by though hole header.
At the same time, there are usually two types of module antennas:
A. On board PCB antenna or external soft PCB antenna .
B. External soft antenna or spring antenna.

2. Key points for the antenna layout on plug-in module
The module assembled to the lamp driver board by the header or though-hole pad, because the base of the lamp,the aluminum housing,and aluminum PCBA on which the lamp beads are located are made of metal , and wireless signals cannot pass though these metal materials, so it is important to ensure the PCB antenna can across the aluminum PCBA and deep into the front part of the lamp. Under the premise of not affecting light source illumination quality, the closer the antenna is to the front of the lamp, the better the wireless signal transmit
below shows a wrong operation which the header is too close to the PCB antenna.In layout design, please keep the clearance near the antenna, especially the metal pin headers should also be kept away, keeping a distance more than 8mm from the antenna.


Figure 1 The metal pin header is too close to the PCB antenna
Figure2 can be used as an reference when the customer lays out the module. At the same time, the crystal, RF Soc and other devices of the module should be as far away as possible from the heating of the driving base plate / light source area to avoid the local temperature rise is too high and the surface temperature of the core device exceeds 105 ° C.


Figure2 reference when the customer lays out the module.

3.Key points of Layout design for SMD modules
If the module must be placed on the lamp driver board due to design limitations, you can refer to the three assembly methods shown in Fig 3, Fig 4,and Fig 5 below to ensure there is no PCB with/without copper or components in the area under the antenna. The copper around antenna will affect the resonance point of the antenna, and PCB material close to antenna will reduce the antenna radiation efficiency


The key points of the above solutions:
1)Make sure there is no PCB material directly below or directly above the PCB antenna.
2)Make sure the area around the PCB antenna is far away from the copper.
This will maximize radiation effect of the antenna.

4.The module with external antenna
For the module with external antenna, ensure the antenna is as far as possible away from the base and aluminum housing of lamp which is made by aluminum and the aluminum PCBA under the premise of not affecting light source illumination quality. Fig. 6 shows a monopole spring antenna and a monopole soft antenna.


Fig6 A monopole spring antenna and a monopole soft antenna.

Fig. 7 below shows a module with an external antenna. The module antenna passes through the aluminum PCBA vertically and is above the aluminum PCBA.The green arrows indicate the direction of the strongest radiation of antenna; the orange arrows indicate the directions of the weakest radiation of antenna.
Make sure no metal parts around the spring antenna, which will greatly impact the transmission of wireless signals. Make sure the spring antenna is in the center and as far as possible away from the aluminum housing, and the vertical height of the aluminum housing should be lower than the antenna’s.


Fig7 Directions of antenna signal

Fig. 8 below shows the wrong assembly method of antenna. The antenna of the module is completely blocked under the aluminum PCBA and the wireless signal cannot pass though, which ultimately affects the wireless signal quality of the lamp.


Fig8 Wrong assembly method of antenna

If it is limited by the structure, the antenna can't be soldered to the RF module directly, you can make a exposed pads with size not bigger than 2 * 3mm on lamp driver board to solder the soft antenna, ensure the antenna is placed at the front part of the lamp. The purpose of choosing a soft antenna is that it can be bent arbitrarily to adapt to the structure of the lamp, but please ensure there are no metal parts around the soft antenna, and the length of the soft antenna is enough to deep into the front of the lamp.

5. Antenna Isolation in Muti-antenna coexistence system
Antenna isolation is a measure of how tightly coupled antennas are. It is a must be tested item in Muti-antenna coexistence system. For instance gateway product. Therefore, the isolation should be as large as possible(More than 15dB).
Antenna isolation can be increased by:
1.Increasing the physical separation between the antennas.
2.Making vertical or different polarization for the antennas(Reducing the correlation coefficient between the antenna's radiation patterns).

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Re: 涂鸦无线模组 应用布局建议


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Re: 涂鸦无线模组 应用布局建议


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Re: 涂鸦无线模组 应用布局建议


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Re: 涂鸦无线模组 应用布局建议

TheThingX 2022年 Sep 23日 13:59


添加了英文指南说明 方便海外客户查阅 :D

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Re: 涂鸦无线模组 应用布局建议

chenyisong 2022年 Sep 22日 10:21



我喜欢灌水,但不是水货 :idea:
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